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How Long Does Jeuveau Last?


Are you worried about the way wrinkling has changed your appearance? Are you looking for an effective and lasting solution to your aging concerns? At Madison Medispa in Waunakee, WI, our Jeuveau treatment can provide you with the safe anti-aging treatment you’re looking for.

How Long Does Jeuveau Last?

It’s normal to find wrinkles appearing on your face as you get older. Even as early as your late 20s, you may begin to see changes in the way that your skin looks and feels. The creases that only formed when you made certain expressions might become permanent, changing your appearance in a way you might not be satisfied with.

If you’re looking for a lasting way to ease the appearance of these wrinkles then you might want to consider Jeuveau. This injectable can be safely applied to the areas of your face that you’d like to treat for temporary but long-lasting results. Most people are able to enjoy their results for up to 5 months when they receive this injectable.

What Is Jeuveau?

This is an injectable, which means that it is applied to your desired areas with the help of a very fine needle. This injectable is completely safe and has been approved by the FDA. It uses an ingredient called botulinum toxin type A.

This injectable was specifically designed to treat glabellar lines. These are wrinkles that appear around your glabella or the area right in between your eyebrows. When you furrow your brow, you might notice 11-shaped lines appearing. As you get older, these lines will become permanent.

What Exactly Makes Our Skin Wrinkle?

There are several chemicals in your skin that help it to stay strong and full-looking. But as you get older, you’ll find less and less of these chemicals. Your skin will become more prone to creasing over time, as it’s less able to smooth back out after making facial expressions.

This damage to the skin combined with repeated muscle movements will result in the creases that form when you make expression becoming permanent fixtures of your face.

How Does Jeuveau Help Glabellar Lines?

When this product is injected into the skin, it acts as a neuromodulator. Your brain sends messages to your muscles via neurotransmitters. These messages are what tell your muscles to contract and result in the skin on top of them creasing and wrinkling over time.

The main ingredient in this injectable, botulinum toxin type A, will intercept these messengers, stopping them before they can reach your muscles and tell them to tense up. By forcing the muscles to stay relaxed, the skin on top will stay relaxed as well, helping to keep it free of wrinkles.

Everything You Need to Know About Treatment

If you’re considering getting this treatment to help you with your aging concerns, then finding the right clinic is the first step. Our team is ready to provide you with treatment that is safe and effective in a welcoming and clean environment.

Here’s what you should know about your treatment process.

Before Your Appointment

Before you receive your injections, there are a few things that need to happen. First, we’ll want to have a consultation with you. This will help us determine if this is the right product for your needs, and ensure that it’s the safest option for you. We’ll also take some time to discuss your medical history, and allow you to ask any questions that you might have.

After your consultation, we’ll provide you with instructions on how you should prepare for your injections. There are just a few things you’ll need to do to ensure that your treatment is safe, effective and to prevent any bruising from forming around your injection sites. You will need to avoid certain medications like ibuprofen and aspirin for the week leading up to your appointment. For the day or so before, you should avoid alcohol and smoking.

Your Appointment

We want your experience with us to be the best that it can be, which is why we’ll be careful to make your time with us as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Before we begin applying the injections, we’ll prepare your skin by thoroughly cleaning it. We can also apply a topical numbing cream to the area.

Once your skin is ready, we can start applying the product. We’ll do this by injecting small amounts of the product at a time in strategic places. This will ensure that you get the subtle-natural-looking but still effective results you’re looking for.


This treatment is non-invasive, which has many benefits. One major benefit is that recovery is fast and easy, and you won’t need to worry about the discomfort associated with healing from a surgical procedure. After your treatment, we’ll provide you with instructions on how you should care for your skin as the injection site heals.

For the next few days, you will need to stay out of direct sunlight and avoid performing any strenuous physical activity. You should also make sure that you are continuing to avoid alcohol and tobacco. You may need to stop using certain skin products as your injection site heals.


Your results should last you about 5 months. However, everyone’s skin is different, and your results will depend on your own skin’s reaction as well as how closely you follow our pre-and post-treatment instructions. Keeping up with a regular skincare routine will help your results last as long as possible.

Once your appointment is complete, you may not see an immediate difference in the way your skin looks. However, over the following few days, you will begin to notice that your glabellar lines are less and less prominent as the product takes effect.


Will Results Look Natural?

Many people choose to avoid getting certain treatments because they’re worried about how the results will look. You might be afraid of your skin looking unnatural or plasticky after your treatment is complete. While it’s true some people are not happy with the way their results look, that’s often because they did not visit a qualified technician.

At our clinic, your results and your happiness are important to us. Our technicians are highly trained, and we’ll apply the product carefully to make sure that your results look natural and offer you an appearance you’re happy with.

Is Treatment Safe?

One thing you might be worried about is whether or not the treatment you’re looking to get is safe. You can trust that this injectable will offer you effective and lasting results that are also safe. This product has been approved by the FDA and is carefully formulated.

As long as you go to a qualified practitioner to receive your injections, you’ll know that you’re getting the safest possible treatment. At our clinic, we’ll do everything we can to make sure that your entire treatment process is as comfortable and safe as it can be.

How Long Does It Take?

You have a busy life, which might be why you’re trying to find an alternative to a surgical procedure if you’re looking for anti-aging treatments. With options like surgery, you’ll need to spend a long time at the clinic getting the procedure done, and there’s often a lengthy recovery time afterward.

But when you get this injectable, not only can you expect safe and effective treatment for natural-looking results. You can also expect a fast treatment process. Your entire appointment should take just a few minutes, and your healing time will be extremely quick.

Am I A Candidate?

Does this treatment sound like it might be the perfect solution for you? You might be wondering if you’re a good candidate to receive it. As long as you are in good general health, then this treatment might be right for you. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a skin infection, or have had a negative reaction to similar injectables in the past, this may not be right for you.

When you visit us for your initial consultation, we’ll discuss your medical history to make sure that this is the best option for you.

Learn More Today

If you’re looking to diminish or even eliminate the appearance of glabellar lines, then Jeuveau could be the perfect solution for you. Our clinic is ready to help you look and feel your best. Get in touch with us today at Madison Medispa in Waunakee, WI to learn more.

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