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Let Dermal Fillers Enhance Your Facial Contours


If you’re looking for fuller, younger, healthier skin, look no further. Dermal fillers can help you accomplish your cosmetic goals and have you feeling and looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

When you’re ready to get dermal fillers in Madison, WI, we’re ready to help you at Madison Medispa. 

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal filler injections are a popular non-surgical procedure. We administer dermal fillers by injecting their gel-like substance under the skin. Dermal fillers can accomplish many cosmetic goals, including plumping the skin, filling in fine lines, and adding volume. 

Dermal fillers are popular with adults of all ages. They can help fight signs of aging, like lines and facial volume loss, and plump up areas that might benefit from added volume, like lips and checks. 

There are several types of dermal fillers that offer various benefits. Once we learn more about your aesthetic goals and the areas you’d like to treat, we can make recommendations on products and create a treatment plan. 

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Fillers are made of substances naturally produced in the body, like hyaluronic acid. Once injected into the skin, the product helps “fill” the targeted area.

Because fillers are made of natural substances, your body slowly metabolizes them, which means that your body absorbs the filler until it’s gone. For example, if you get lip filler or cheek filler, over time, you’ll notice these areas returning to the way they originally looked. 

If you enjoy the results of your fillers, you can continue getting injections to maintain the fullness they provide. 

What Areas Do Dermal Fillers Treat?

Dermal fillers can treat various areas, including:

Fillers are also effective for filling in scars, including acne scars, that affect skin’s evenness. 

After receiving dermal filler injections, you’ll notice a difference in your skin’s plumpness and firmness as well as in your facial contours. 

Benefits of Getting Dermal Fillers in Madison, WI

There’s a reason dermal fillers are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Some of the benefits patients enjoy most include:

Discover the ways fillers can help you achieve the aesthetic outcome you seek by scheduling an appointment with us today. 

Dermal Fillers We Offer

We offer a variety of dermal fillers to help our patients meet their cosmetic goals. 


Juvéderm has a tailored collection of fillers, including:

Based on your concerns, we may recommend a filler from the Juvéderm line of injectables. 


Restylane also has a collection of products created to tackle various concerns, including:

Restylane also offers its original filler that treats facial wrinkles and folds for smooth, rejuvenated skin. 


Radiesse is a great option for patients looking to restore their youthful appearance and natural facial volume. It provides immediate, long-lasting results. 


Belotero is an injectable known for seamlessly integrating into the skin to smooth lines and wrinkles. It works best for patients looking to treat signs of aging in the nasolabial folds. 

Revanesse Versa

Revanesse Versa is a hyaluronic acid filler used to improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles and restore facial volume. It can treat several areas, including the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. 


Sculptra fills in targeted areas as it helps restore facial collagen. It gradually increases facial volume, giving patients long-lasting results. 

What to Expect During Your Filler Appointment

When you come in for your filler appointment, we’ll start by discussing your areas of concern and what you wish to achieve with dermal fillers. Based on your needs, we’ll tailor your treatment plan to fit your criteria. 

Before treatment, we can apply numbing cream to the treatment area for your comfort. Once everything is sufficiently numb, we’ll proceed.

We will carefully and precisely inject the product into the targeted area, ensuring that there’s sufficient volume and symmetry. Once your treatment is complete, we’ll provide aftercare instructions to help you heal quickly. 

Dermal Fillers: Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re new to dermal fillers, the answers to these common questions may give you a better understanding and peace of mind. 

When Can I Expect to See Results from Fillers?

You should notice an immediate difference after your treatment is complete. You’ll see your lines filled in, volume added to the areas that needed it, and facial contours that align with your desires. 

Final results usually appear about a week or so after your treatment. Once the filler has settled in, you’ll be able to enjoy your results for the foreseeable future. 

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

The exact amount of time filler lasts depends on certain details, including the type of product you get, how much you get, and the way your body reacts to it. Every patient’s body metabolizes fillers at a different rate, but generally, fillers are made to last anywhere from 9 to 24 months, and sometimes even longer.

Is There Downtime After Getting Dermal Fillers?

To ensure proper healing, we encourage you to avoid strenuous activity and exercise for 24 to 48 hours. Aside from that, there’s no significant downtime after getting fillers.

Fuller, Plumper Skin Is Just a Phone Call Away

If you’re interested in getting dermal fillers in Madison, WI, we invite you to schedule a consult at Madison Medispa. We look forward to meeting you. 

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