From Clinical to Beautiful
Skin Tightening, Body Contouring, and Weight Loss
To schedule a consultation Call Us at (608) 315-4809
Skin Tightening, Body Contouring, and Weight Loss at Madison Medispa

INDIBA Radiofrequency Deep Care is a non-invasive, FDA cleared procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to deliver heat to the skin and underlying tissues including cellulite.

Semaglutide is the generic formulation of Ozempic, originally used for Type 2 Diabetics, but now widely used for weight loss. It can reduce appetite, make you feel fuller for longer, and reduce the number of calories absorbed from every meal.
Madison Medispa Patient Resource Center
Customizing Your Care: Finding the Right Treatment for Your Skin
The Benefits of Regular Chemical Peels
The benefits of regular chemical peels are many, and as a result, they have become increasingly popular in the realm of skincare. Chemical peels...
What Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL) Can Do For Your Skin
Many people have heard of IPL or BBL treatments, but are you aware of all the things Sciton BroadBand Light (BBL) can do for your skin? Sciton...
How Long do Dermal Fillers Last?
How Long do Dermal Fillers Last? What are Dermal Fillers Used For? Dermal fillers are popular cosmetic treatments used to enhance facial...
What people are saying about Madison Medispa

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By Appointment Only
Tel: 608-315-4809
Fax: 608-831-7044
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